Skyline items....

2 May 2018 by Mondo Begay

1) there is NO OPEN GYM for the next two Fridays!

2) The Skyline youth camp is May 14th-17th from 3:30-5:30.. CURRENT PLAYERS WILL NEED TO VOLUNTEER to help at least for two of those days!
Please let me know what two days you can work!

3) Next OPEN GYM is May 18th from 2:30-4:30 …I would like everyone there! We will be going over summer schedule, fundraising, summer camps, and reading!

4) Summer Book: Ten Minute Toughness by Jason Selk… it’s about $15 on Amazon… I will have the journal due schedule out in the next couple of weeks!

5) BEACH… Beach starts next Thursday May 10th, down at Thanksgiving Point…
The cost is $125 to pay for entry, uniforms, and coaches…
The beach team will be run by Chris and Adrian…
the season will go into June… if you are interested please email me ASAP… so I can solidify if we have a team!
Practices will start Next Week at The cottonwood complex from 2:45-4:30…
I will have more details when I get the final count of who wants to play!
Graduating Seniors can play on this team!
I know this is short notice. Details were just given to me!

6) My new email is…
please us this email from now on! My hotmail account is a Mess!!!

7) We will be changing over to the new app this week so this will be the last message sent on here… or will be shut down.

8) Please send me information if you know anyone that wants to play for Skyline next year… Incoming freshman, Transfers, move Ins!

Thank you all and please stay in touch!

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